House & Contents Insurance

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If it’s important to you tomorrow, insure it today.

You’ve worked hard for your home, and everything in it. That’s why our house and contents insurance gives you the flexibility to choose the cover that meets your needs. Maxi House and Maxi Contents offer the most comprehensive cover, while our Flexi House and Flexi Contents provide a more affordable alternative.

And our extensive insurance broker network will provide you with expert advice on the benefits of Flexi and Maxi, and which one is right for you.

Your home and contents covered

Our Vero Residential Home Policy offers Cover Option - Maxi which provides cover for the cost of repairing or replacing your home, up to an amount that you choose (the sum insured), while Cover Option - Maxi under our Residential Contents policy will cover the repairs or replacement for most of your insured items.

Cover Option - Maxi covers:

  • Your home for loss or damage caused by natural hazards, burglary, vandalism, fire, flood, storm damage, and accidental loss or damage.
  • The cost of alternative accommodation if you’re unable to live in your home because it’s damaged or the government or local authorities prevent you from accessing it.
  • Damage outside the home—like driveways, retaining walls, permanent swimming pools, and other items within your residential boundary.

Home - Cover Option Maxi details

Cover Option - Maxi covers:

  • Your contents for loss or damage caused by natural hazards, burglary, vandalism, fire, flood, storm damage, and accidental loss or damage.
  • Your contents, even if they’re temporarily removed from the home for use anywhere in New Zealand.
  • Temporary accommodation for you and your pets if your home is uninhabitable.
  • Storage of your contents if your home is uninhabitable.
  • Replacement of most of your items, including larger furniture and computers, tablets or smartphones that are less than three years old.

Contents - Cover Option Maxi Details

Extra value with Vero

10% Extra cover for no extra cost

With our Home insurance, under Cover Option - Maxi you may qualify for SumExtra. This gives you up to 10% more cover than your sum insured value in a natural hazard (e.g. earthquake, tsunami), and full repair or replacement for other insured events (e.g. flood, fire).

SumExtra details


A Flexi solution to meet your needs

Cover Option - Flexi provides a more affordable option that covers you for the indemnity value of your home, limited to the sum insured.

Cover Option - Flexi covers:

  • Loss or damage to your home caused by specified events, including natural hazards, burglary, vandalism, fire, flood and storm damage, but not accidental damage.
  • Damage outside the home caused by these specified events—like driveways, retaining walls, permanent swimming pools, and other items within your residential boundary.
  • Alternative accommodation if you’re unable to live in your home because it’s damaged or you’ve been prevented from accessing it by government or local authorities.

Home - Cover Option Flexi details

Cover Option - Flexi covers:

Your belongings are covered while they’re in your home for specified events including natural hazard, fire, theft, burglary, and flooding.

You can upgrade your Flexi Contents policy to add extra cover for:

  • Accidental loss or damage
  • Contents anywhere in New Zealand (up to $10,000)
  • Replacement of most of your items, just like in our Maxi policy although items that are over 10 years old will still be covered for indemnity value.

Contents - Cover Option Flexi details

Get insured with Vero

For expert advice on how Vero can help you with your insurance needs, talk to a broker or adviser. Our locator helps you find a broker or adviser near you.

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We’re for New Zealand

We’re here for New Zealanders whether it’s for general or specialist cover, we’re here to make insurance mean more for our customers. That means we do what really matters to make insurance more useful and more relevant to help you feel more confident.

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Important information

Excesses, terms, conditions, limits and exclusions apply to these policies. Please check the policy wording for details of cover. The provision of cover is subject to the underwriting criteria that apply at the time.

Our website provides general information about our products and services to help you make choices when it comes to protecting the things in life and business that really matter and is not intended to be financial advice. For advice on product suitability, please contact your financial adviser.