Landlord Insurance

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We’ve made landlord insurance simple 

A rental property can be a great asset. However we all know it can come with its own particular dramas. That’s why we offer a variety of landlord insurance options, so you can choose the level that’s right for you. 

It’s really important that you tell us if you own a rental property or have tenants sharing your home, so that we can record it on your home insurance policy schedule. You can Email usemail or call us on Call us0800 808 508 to update your cover. 

Making a claim

If you need to make a claim, or have a question about a claim, contact your broker or adviser or you can call us at the Vero Claims Centre—we’re here to help.

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Residential & Landlord Home policy wording

Landlord Guide

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Accidental & malicious damage

Our Vero Residential Home policy offers different levels of cover for damage caused by your tenants. Make sure you’ve told us if you have rented out your home or have tenants living with you, or this cover may not apply.

Cover Option - Maxi covers:

  • Cover for accidental damage caused by the home’s occupants, up to the Sum Insured.
  • Methamphetamine contamination cover while your home is tenanted up to $50,000.
  • Liability cover for landlords who may be liable under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, provided you meet the policy requirements.

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Cover Option - Maxi + Landlord’s Extension covers:

  • Cover for accidental damage caused by the home’s occupants, up to the Sum Insured.
  • Methamphetamine contamination cover while your home is tenanted up to $50,000.
  • Cover for malicious or deliberate damage caused by tenants, up to $30,000.
  • Cover for landlord’s furnishings up to $20,000, unless a higher sum is insured.
  • Loss of rent due to loss covered by the policy up to a maximum of 12 months capped at $40,000, unless a higher sum is insured.
  • Loss of rent due to non-payment by tenants up to various limits depending on the circumstances.

Cover Option - Flexi covers:

  • Cover for damage caused by specific events, including fire, burglary, collision by a vehicle, natural hazards, storms or floods.
  • Liability cover for landlords who may be liable under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, provided you meet the policy requirements.

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Cover Option - Flexi + Landlord’s Extension covers:

  • Cover for damage caused by specific events, including fire, burglary, collision by a vehicle, natural hazards, storms or floods.
  • Cover for Landlord’s furnishings up to $5,000
  • Cover for loss of rent in various circumstances up to a maximum of 12 months capped at $20,000 unless a higher sum is insured

Loss of rent

If you’re renting out a house, or have tenants sharing your home, the rent your tenants pay will often be an important part of your income.

If you have a house insurance policy with us, our optional Landlord’s Extension can offer protection for your rental income if something goes wrong.

Cover Option - Maxi + Landlord’s Extension covers:

  • Loss of rent if the home is uninhabitable due to a loss covered by your policy (like a fire or flood) up to a maximum of 12 months capped at $40,000, unless a higher sum is insured
  • Loss of rent caused by non-payment by tenants (including if you have to evict your tenants) up to various limits depending on the circumstances

Cover Option - Flexi + Landlord’s Extension covers:

  • Loss of rent if the home is uninhabitable due to a loss covered by your policy (like a fire or flood)
  • Cover is up to a maximum of 12 months capped at $20,000 unless a higher sum is insured

Liability protection

As a landlord, you could be held liable to pay damages or reparation for accidental bodily injury or loss to someone else’s property that arises out of the ownership of your home.

Our Home Insurance policy covers you for:

  • Liability for damages
  • Liability for reparation

Our Home Insurance policy also provides some cover for your liability as a landlord if you are liable under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, provided you meet the policy requirements.

Landlords’ furnishings

With our optional Landlord’s Extension, you can also protect specific furnishings that you’ve provided to your tenants, including refrigerators, dishwashers and washing machines.

Maxi House + Landlord’s Extension covers landlord’s furnishings up to $20,000 unless a higher sum is insured. Flexi House + Landlord’s Extension covers landlord’s furnishings up to $5,000.

Landlords' obligations

Our policies include specific things you have to do as a landlord in order to benefit from the cover, including carefully selecting your tenants and conducting and maintaining records of regular inspections. So make sure to check your policy wording to ensure that you’re covered and doing your bit.

We’ve created a handy guide to help you protect your investment property and meet your policy obligations. Document PDFYou can download a copy of the Landlord Guide here.

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For expert advice on how Vero can help you with your insurance needs, talk to a broker or adviser. Our locator helps you find a broker or adviser near you.

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We’re for New Zealand

We’re here for New Zealanders whether it’s for general or specialist cover, we’re here to make insurance mean more for our customers. That means we do what really matters to make insurance more useful and more relevant to help you feel more confident.

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Important information

Excesses, terms, conditions, limits and exclusions apply to these policies. Please check the policy wording for details of cover. The provision of cover is subject to the underwriting criteria that apply at the time.

Our website provides general information about our products and services to help you make choices when it comes to protecting the things in life and business that really matter and is not intended to be financial advice. For advice on product suitability, please contact your financial adviser.