2023 Auckland Flooding & Cyclone Gabrielle

Information related to the 2023 Auckland/Northland Flooding and Cyclone Gabrielle Claims Process

The release of land categorisation areas is an important step in offering more certainty for those of our customers and the broader communities seriously impacted by the recent extreme weather, cyclone and floods.
If you have been impacted by these announcements, we remain committed to supporting you throughout this process and will continue to update the below FAQs as we know more.


Initial risk categories and definitions:








Repair to previous state is all that is required to manage future severe weather event risk.

Community level interventions are effective in managing future severe weather event risk.

Property level interventions are needed to manage future severe weather event risk, including in tandem with community level interventions.

Potential to fall within 2C/2P but sigificant further assessment required.

Future severe weather event risk cannot be sufficiently mitigated. In some cases some current land uses may remain acceptable, while for others there is an intolerable risk of injury or death.


Minor flood damage to repair but no need for significant redesign/retrofitting.

Local government repairs and enhances flood protection schemes to adequately manage the risk of future flooding events in the face of climate change effects.

Property specific measures are necessary e.g., improved drainage, raising houses is necessary. Benefits accrue to property owners but some may face affordability issues.

Interventions may be required / possible but insufficient information to provide initial categorisation (these may subsequently move between "2" categories or to categories 1 / 3).

In the face of enhanced climate risks the property may face unacceptable risk of future flooding. Other property could be subject to unstable land that poses an ongoing risk.



The process of land categorisation and buy-outs for properties badly damaged by Cyclone Gabrielle and the 2023 Auckland Floods is being managed by the relevant Councils.

While insurers do not have any direct involvement in the process, we know it is an important step in giving more certainty to our customers and their broader communities.

We are on hand to help our customers with any documents related to their insurance claim that your Council asks you to provide. 


The Government’s land categorisation process is separate to the insurance process.

The calculation of your insurance claim is based on how much it would cost to repair any damage to your property, and the final land categorisation of your home has no direct impact on how much your insurance payout will be.

However, the final categorisation of your home may have an impact on how your claim can be settled, and your insurance settlement may have an impact on the offer you receive if your property is subject to the buy-out process.

We have included some answers to FAQs below.  However, the information on this page is of a general nature only, and is intended to provide guidance about how a claim might be managed and things for you to consider. The steps which will be taken to manage your particular claim will depend upon your individual circumstances and your policy wording. To discuss the options available for your specific property, contact your Broker or call Vero on 0800 800 134.  

Category 1

If the Government and/or local council have indicated your property is in a Category 1 Low Risk area, from an insurance perspective your claim will continue to progress as normal, and your insurance will remain available.

Category 2

If the Government and/or local council have indicated your property is in a Category 2 Managed Risk area, additional community or property-level intervention may be required to manage any potential future risk. This may include, for example, improving and repairing community stopbanks or improving stormwater infrastructure to limit the impact of flooding. As more information becomes available from the government and/or your local council (such as timeframes, funding available, etc.), we will work with you directly to understand the best way to approach your claim. The categorisation of your property as Managed Risk does not change your entitlements under your policy. It’s important to note that your Home Insurance Policy only provides cover to repair or rebuild your home back to the condition it was prior to the loss or damage. This means any intervention or improvements to manage future risk is not covered under your policy, however we will work alongside you to find the most appropriate solution. See further FAQs below that cover additional scenarios in relation to Category 2.

Category 3

If the Government and/or local council have indicated your property is in a Category 3 High Risk area, this could mean repairs to your home or rebuilding your home in the same area cannot progress due to the risk of future impacts from severe weather events. The categorisation of your property as High Risk does not change your entitlements for an existing claim under your policy.

If your property is subject to a buy-out offer from your local Council, we will work with you to supply all insurance documentation required by the Council as part of this process.

Vero will not continue providing insurance cover to category 3 residential homes that have received a Buyout offer, as they are known to have exposure to ongoing and expected flood issues.  If you do not sell your property to the Council, your insurance will be cancelled on the date you decline the Council’s offer, or the date the Council’s offer expires, whichever occurs first.






Some additional FAQs relating to claims if you have been given a provisional Category 2 or 3 rating









Some additional FAQs if you have been given a confirmed Category 3 rating in the Hawkes Bay









Disclaimer – The information on this page is of a general nature only, intended to provide guidance about how your claim may be managed. The steps which will be taken to manage your particular claim will depend upon your individual circumstances and your policy wording. Please refer to your policy wording for full details of your insurance cover. If in doubt about what you should do, speak to your Broker or contact Vero on 0800 800 134. 

Wild Weather Claims Process

Toka Tū Ake
Natural Hazards Commission (NHC)

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